Kantamanto Market is the largest secondhand market in the world. Located in Accra, Ghana, it is the place where our donated castoffs are sent. It is estimated that only about 10% of donated clothing is actually sold in our local communities. Whatever doesn’t sell is packed into bales and shipped to the Global South. So let’s do a quick breakdown of how the system works. We donate our unwanted clothing items to our local thrift shop. Unsold items are packed…
top: 4-ish years old from Buttercream Clothing, pants: were from a local, sustainable brand but no longer fit so I sold them, wool blazer: thrifted, straw clutch: small, local shop, shoes: secondhand, hat: 6+ years old I listen to a lot of podcasts on the subjects of slow fashion, sustainable living, and minimalism, even though I’m not a minimalist myself. On a minimalism podcast I heard the host say, and I’m paraphrasing, that we are too attached to our stuff and…
I want to start this conversation off by first saying, if you have bought from Shein before, YOU are not the worst. That is not what this post is about. This is about a big corporation and their contribution to a Global issue. We as individuals are not the ones solely responsible for changing the fashion landscape. Governments and big business are the ones responsible. However, if like me, you are wanting to know more about the fashion evils plaguing…
A very big contributor to our global, heaping, landfill crisis is clothing. Usually cheap, fast fashion, clothing that has been worn less than 7 times and is now considered garbage by the purchaser. So the best thing to do with your unloved clothing once you no longer want or need that items is to donate it. Right? Well, not really. There are many reasons we donate or dispose of our clothing. Some of these reasons include: They may no longer…