With so much of my time needing to be devoted to the babies lately, I jump at any opportunity I get to do something a little special for Madelyn. This beautiful little book, called Kingdom of You, is the latest personalized gift item from the creators of Lost My Name. This colourful book is bursting with Madelyn’s favourite things and her name is everywhere in the story. What makes this book so special is that you can choose…
One thing I have been struggling with since having my twins is self care. It is so difficult, with three small children, to carve out a bit of time in a day for myself. It is something I have been working on. Lately, I’ve been trying to take a little walk when I can. Even if it’s just 15 minutes, it gets me out of the house and into the fresh air. I also recently received this beautiful parcel…
This is my twins debut on my site! A first! My girls, Lily and Sabrina, are 4 months old today. I can’t believe it. I feel like I was just taking there 1 month pics like a minute ago. I’ve been doing pretty good so far at taking their milestone pics each month, but now it’s getting easier. The creators of the popular customized children’s book, The Little Boy/Girl Who Lost His/Her Name, now offer customized milestone cards called Fantastic…
I am currently 25 weeks and 4 days into my pregnancy with twins. Things have been going well and my little ones have been growing beautifully. I have had to treat this pregnancy much different then my pregnancy with my daughter. I have way more doctor’s appointments and I go to the hospital for an ultrasound every two weeks. It’s quite amazing to see them grow from appointment to appointment. It is such a miracle to see. When…
Easter is almost here and, if you’re like me, you’ve started planning out the Easter basket and egg hunt. It’s such a fun and exciting tradition for kids (ok…and maybe the parents too). The challenge is to not load them up with sugar while keeping all the Easter Bunny excitement! This year Maddie is at the fun age of two (and almost a half) and has created her own likes and interests. This is obviously the best place to…