Pants: Nicole Bridger | Top: Winners | Shoes: Nine West | Bag: Coach | Necklace: Olive & Piper | Glasses: Iris Eyewear | Ring: Pandora This time of year is always a bit strange fashion wise. It’s WAY too hot to be layering on cozy sweaters, and somehow, it doesn’t look quite right to be running around in Summer dresses either. Lately I’ve been gravitating towards anything lightweight and my favorite neutral colours. {Thank you fashion for making the…
At only 5 weeks until my due date (where has the time gone???) I definitely feel myself slowing down. I’m not venturing off too far on my own, I think I’ve attended the last of events for now, and I’m now busy nesting (and resting when I can). Lately even the simplest things like getting dressed in the morning or putting on my shoes leave me short of breath and needing a nap. Working from home is such a…
One of my favorite things about Fall are cozy knits. They are the ultimate in comfort and can look quite chic with the right accessories. The knit dress is a perfect transition piece. I start with bare legs, flats, and a blazer and as the weather cools off I add tights and switch to boots. This striped one from Old Navy Maternity has a casual feel to it but the neutral colours allow me to dress it up a…
It seems so strange to be talking about the end of Summer. We Vancouverites have had an amazing season. Loads of sunshine and warm weather have been a real treat compared to summer’s past. With kids going back to school next week and the stores full of beautiful Fall fashion, I’ve been trying to enjoy my last days with my Summer wardrobe. As I’ve said in previous posts, this year, I’ve been having a harder time wrapping my brain…
When it comes to maternity wear, I have found pants and denim the most difficult to find; that is until I took a trip to Mavi jeans. Mavi offers up the option to have any of their jeans turned into maternity bottoms for only an additional $20 at time of purchase. They offer a choice of three bands in varying widths and will match up a colour that suits your jeans best. Mavi has their own in house seamstress…