Dress: c/o O’Neill, Shirt: Mexx, Bag: Erin Templeton (again!) , Sandals: c/o O’Neill, Necklace: Maison Scotch With us in full on baby prep mode, it seemed selfish to take a weekend to get away and play instead of work. (Insert: Guilt) However, with a friend’s 40th Birthday as the perfect excuse for us to get away, we headed down to Seattle last weekend to celebrate. We had a great weekend of shopping (for us and the little peanut),…
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Lately our up and down weather has proven to make getting dressed in the morning a bit challenging. Layers seem to be the key along with a large bag loaded with essentials (umbrella, a pair of flats, makeup for touch ups, etc) Yesterday I had to pull out my trench coat again. It’s just too chilly to pretend I’m warm enough in my outfit. There is sunshine in our near future. I can’t wait to retire my coats once…