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self love

denim top

Size Is Just a Number

These jeans, multiple outfits, and one comment that made me think.  Keep reading.  A while back, one of my favourite plus size shops gave me a little shout out on their social media.  They shared an image and caption of me on their Instagram feed.  I was so flattered to be one of their Friday feature gals.  A few people left comments but one stuck out to me. Image that was featured in the Instagram post. The comment was “Super…

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winter outfit

Pin It and Wear It

When it comes to winter outfit inspiration, I always find myself pinning the same type of outfit on Pinterest.  Jeans, white runners, toque, a tucked in tee, and some cute layers.  The girl usually looks comfortable and confident and is always with a coffee in hand.  Oh, and one other thing….she’s always skinny.  I weirdly pin these looks while saying to myself, “I could never pull that off”.  A tucked in top is a fear of mine.  There is still…

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A Letter to my Ten Year Old Self

    There is an amazing event happening next month called the Love Your Body Summit.  The lovely founder, Joyelle Brandt, challenged a few of us to write a letter to our younger selves with body love in mind.  I happily took on the challenge and adored getting to write some advice for my younger self.   These are definitely words I would like my own daughter to hear from me one day.  What would you say to your younger…

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