
Bikini Body


Lisa, Alicia, Me, and Maryanne

 So it’s hella hot outside and all you want to do is head to the beach or the local outdoor pool to cool off.   But wait!  That means actually putting on a bathing suit…and people seeing you in it!!!  Sooooo, maybe you can figure out another way to stay cool?  Perhaps the beach really isn’t that great?  After all you didn’t start that newest cleanse that everyone at work has been doing. You didn’t hit the gym six days a week like you said you would.  And sh*!, you totally didn’t loose the 15 pounds before the hot weather hit.  So now what?  Obviously a two piece bathing suit is out of the question.  Maybe a one piece?  With a cover up?   Or a maxi dress?  This has been my thought process every summer for the last few years.  I am a fairly confident person, but like ALL women, I have some things I really don’t love to see when I look in the mirror.

I was thrilled when I was nominated along side my pal Alicia to take part in the #TellYourTale campaign by local swimwear brand Nettle’s Tale.  Thirty beautiful and diverse women stripped down, threw on a bathing suit they felt amazing in, and with it shed those inhibitions we have with our bodies.  I of course first emerged from the fitting room feeling like the fattest one there.  My body didn’t look nearly as good as everyone else’s.  I HATE my legs!  And now everyone would see how jacked up they are.  Ugh! Why did I agree to do this?  Then as I stood there talking to the other women about our insecurities and troubles we’ve had in the past with finding a bathing suit we feel good in, I realized we all had insecurities.  We had big boobs, small boobs, baby bellies, full hips, large booties, no bums, scars, and bruises.  When we finally got in front of the camera to say “Yup, this is us!” something happened inside each of us.  We stopped giving a f*@k about what everyone thought of us, and just rocked a bathing suit {while eating two bit brownies and M&M’s…as one does}.

There will always be those girls out there who have “perfect” bodies {and I’m quite sure were put on this earth to do nothing but make us feel bad about ourselves}.  But guess what?  They have their own insecurities.  We all do.  It’s time we stop trying to get our bodies “bikini ready” and just throw on a damn bathing suit on the body we have.  I’ve gotta say, having a suit that fits you like it was made for you is about as good as it can get.  I of course purchased this bathing suit.  In fact, I think we all bought a suit that night because we loved the way they looked and they way we felt in them.  I NEVER thought I would ever wear a two piece suit ever again, but here I am.  So now it’s your turn.  Find your strong suit and rock that gorgeous bod!

A huge thank you to Julia at Nettle’s Tale Swimwear for having me be a part of such a positive message that I hope to pass on to my own daughter one day.  Here’s to Maddie never feeling like she can’t throw on a bathing suit and enjoy life.

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