skirt: Aritzia (old)
top: H&M
shoes: Miz Mooz from Shoes on Fourth
bag: c/o Old Navy
bracelets: tassel bracelet by Olive & Piper, cream one is an old fave
flowers: Flower Factory
photos by: Alicia
About every five years I do a major wardrobe overhaul. I find that in that five year time frame, my body and lifestyle change enough that it warrants a closet refresh. {Not to mention that I’m also five years older. What was cute at 25, not so much at 30. And now that I’m 35, it’s a whole new thing again.} This past few months I have been slowly purging unwanted items out of my closet, and carefully selecting items I will wear and wear and wear to replace the no longer appropriate pieces. Sometimes this can be a bit of a back an fourth process. This skirt was one I had listed to sell. I had bought it pre-pregnancy, had worn it a few times, but post baby it’s just been sitting in my closet. However, an occasion came up and this skirt was the perfect thing to wear so it moved back into my closet from my sell pile. I scored this adorable little lace crop top for only $7 ! It gave this skirt a fresh new updated look. I still have a ton of clothes to get rid of. Having less in my closet has proven to be a real stress reliever. Getting dressed in the morning is now a lot simpler. I can’t wait to purge even more!
Farin --
August 7, 2015 at 1:56 pmCan I ask where you list your stuff? I’d love to take a look 🙂
August 10, 2015 at 11:13 amHi! I have a few things over on the Breez app. I have so much more than what’s on there. I really need to post more of my items for sale.
August 10, 2015 at 8:07 amLove the pastel on pastel combo! Good call on keeping the skirt, it’s pretty.
August 10, 2015 at 11:12 amThank you:)