Well, it happened. Our first household cold of the season. Madelyn is back at school and so the family gets sick. Sound familiar? Of course it’s tough on all the little ones with their runny noses, hacking coughs, and tired little faces. It’s also tough on the head nurse in charge, and in this house that would be me.
When I am in high demand with three littles all needing their Mommy, I do my best to share extra snuggles with each of them, and try to keep my sanity while caring for them all. Organization always makes life easier. I find by being prepared I’m able to get through a day with a little less stress. Other things that help are essential oils, staying hydrated, and these five things….
- Activities. When Madelyn is sick our first go to is cartoons. When the novelty of days of movies wears off, I reach for my stash of new activities. Whenever I spot a good sail or find something fun at the Dollar Store, I stock up on colouring and activity books to keep on hand for such occasions. Sometimes, something new is just what the doctor ordered. This give you a break from being a source of entertainment also.
- Moisturize. I have washed my hands so many times this past week that they are chapped and bleeding! I now have bottles of lotion all over the house and at every sink; even in the kitchen. My hands are slowly on the mend.
- Skip cooking. When our household becomes even more work then the usual day to day, cooking big meals gets pushed to the bottom of the list. Instead I opt for some freezer fixes or even the occasional take out. (And yes, you can still get a healthy take out option.) My favourite things to keep on hand in my freezer include frozen Pizza’s, and delicious soups. I have jars of homemade soups my mother in law stocks me up with + amazing soups from local company The Soup Solution. {not sponsored, just really love them}.
- Relax the mood. When you find yourself getting tired of the sound of “mom” being yelled throughout the house and feel that stress creeping in, relax the mood of the house as best you can. I turn on my absolute favourite Stingray Ambience channel on the TV, light a candle if a favourite scent, turn on some chill music, and poor myself a cup of tea (unless it’s after 5pm, and then sometimes it’s wine.) It also doesn’t hurt to tell yourself you’re doing a great job, because you are. It helps to hear, even if it is from yourself.
- Get out! After 3 nights of a sick kid, I escaped the house, let my husband take over for a night, and went over to a girlfriend’s for dinner. I enjoyed conversation, a glass of wine, delicious food and it definitely recharged me. It was a good thing too. The next morning I woke up to two sick babies. Taking a little break for yourself will make you a better mom.
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