slow fashion

Let’s Get Ethical

Harly Jae

I am, what I like to refer to as, in transition.  I’m not talking about moving from Winter to Spring, I’m talking about moving to a slower, more mindful closet.  There hasn’t been one major “a-ha” moment that pushed me into this new fashion direction, it has been many small things all leading me along the same path.

A few years ago I watched the documentary, The True Cost.  This was one of the first times I truly understood the damage being caused by fast fashion.  I understood it wasn’t good, but I didn’t fully understand why.  I didn’t know what sweat shops looked like.  I didn’t know what the people making my $10 top were going through, nor did I full appreciate the enormous impact the garment industry has on the environment.

After the documentary, I felt both enlightened and overwhelmed.  It was hard to know where to begin.  What changes could I make now?  The first thing I did was stop.  Stop shopping.  It was the easiest solution.  The only thing was in the mean time I had twins and my body was changing.  This meant that I had clothes that were no longer fitting me as my baby weight was coming off and my body was shifting.  So, I had to shop again.  I reluctantly shopped at inexpensive fast fashion brands, because my body was still changing and it wasn’t the time to invest in my wardrobe.  So, I purchased some key pieces and created a bit of a capsule like wardrobe to get me through the Summer.  I selected items as mindfully as I could.  I picked pieces made mainly with cotton and linen, and I chose basics that I could wear over and over again, and could easily all work together.

When my body seemed to settle into its new shape, my next step was editing my wardrobe.  I needed to know what I already had and ask some questions.  Does it fit?  Do I love it and feel amazing in it?  Is it something that works with my lifestyle?  For those “don’t spark joy items”, they went into my donate and sell piles.  The remaining pieces were my starting point.  I found ways to reinvent these items and to fall in love with them all over again.  It was from here I started to slowly add in the missing bits.

As time has gone on, I have taken time to educate myself on ethical, sustainable, green, eco-friendly, and conscious fashion.  This is all moving toward joining the slow fashion movement.  Trust me, there is a lot to know.  This is why I refer to myself as in transition.  I’m still learning, but I do want to learn.  I want to continue to love fashion and have fun with my style.  I just want to do it better.  This outfit is me doing fashion better.  Scroll down to read all the details of this look.  I can’t wait to share more about my journey into slow fashion.

Free Label

slow fashion

sustainable fashion

slow fashion

top: c/o Harly Jae
pants: c/o Free Label
bag: Value Village 
earrings: Olive & Piper (old)
boots: DSW (made in Spain)

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Sarah Winton
    March 21, 2019 at 10:23 am

    I’m in the midst of the same transition myself. The urge to shop is a hard one to quell but well worth it.

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