top: 4-ish years old from Buttercream Clothing, pants: were from a local, sustainable brand but no longer fit so I sold them, wool blazer: thrifted, straw clutch: small, local shop, shoes: secondhand, hat: 6+ years old I listen to a lot of podcasts on the subjects of slow fashion, sustainable living, and minimalism, even though I’m not a minimalist myself. On a minimalism podcast I heard the host say, and I’m paraphrasing, that we are too attached to our stuff and…
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slow fashion blogger
When I first started taking part in Secondhand September, it was a way to hold myself accountable to my goal of slowing down my shopping behaviour. September had always been a big shopping month for me. I scoured through all the magazines to see all the trends to shop for in the fast fashion shops and cleaned out my closet of the items on that dreaded “NOT” list. By pledging to only shop secondhand for a month, I had to…