
Dressing For Me


I adore pouring over the glossy pages of my newest fall issues to see what treasures are in store.  What colours are being shown?  What are the silhouettes?  Have skirt lengths finally gotten longer? (one can only hope)  A new season brings new fashion, shopping, and a frenzy of trying to be the It-Girl with the latest of everything.  Rather than trying to reinvent myself every season, common sense  has me infusing small bits of trends into my closet all while reworking what I already have.

My Fall New-Mom Look inspiration.  I’m planning on items with casual comfort and wash-ability.    I’m thinking soft jersey’s, embellished sweatshirts, flats, denim, tees, and cozy layers.

Perhaps it’s shopping maturity, having other financial responsibilities, my age, or the strain on my wallet that has me now more concerned with dressing for myself instead of for others.  Dressing for others often resulted in strange purchases of items that would get worn once due to feeling ridiculous in them.   It was easy to over shop as one piece purchased would need multiple other components, that I of course didn’t own, to make it work.  Now, I first turn to my already existing wardrobe where I edit, purge, and discover all my wardrobe can offer me.  Of course there is always a missing item (or five) that need to be purchased and added in for an update.  However, my shopping choices are now made with practicality, budget, and my lifestyle in mind.   Can’t say I’ll be rocking the very cute Miu Miu polka dot dresses to breastfeed in.  (Although they do don a half zipper right at the bust.  Hmm??)

Freeing myself of the one-up-manship of  trying to look cuter than everyone else in the mandatory blogger Zara skort and JCrew sequin tee…is well, just that.  Freeing.  I do not live by the “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” mentality.  I’m more of a why try and  beat ’em, just do something different.  With an ever changing figure this season, I’m not exactly sure what my personal style will look like in the upcoming months.  The only think I do know, I plan to look like me and feel good doing it.

Photos sourced from some of my favorites: Motherhood Maternity, Old Navy, Nicole Bridger, Sam Edelman, J Crew, Joe Fresh, and H&M


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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Melissa Knight
    September 9, 2013 at 7:46 pm

    I really need to stop worrying about what everyone else is wearing and dress more for myself. It’s so easy to get caught up in what all of the size 0 girls are wearing but I know I can’t pull off a lot of it and it usually just upsets me.

    Thanks for this reminder xo


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