Lily (left): top is a hand me down, skirt was thrifted, back pack was new last year, Saltwater Sandals bought new in the Spring / Madelyn (middle): top was a gift last year, shorts were handed down, backpack is 4 years old, runners bought new in the Spring / Sabrina (right): top and pants were thrifted, backpack was bought new last year, Saltwater Sandals bought new in the Spring I got my first PR back to school pitch email back…
back to school
It’s that time of year when we’re being slapped in the face with back so school ads every time we turn on the TV or scroll through our social media feeds. My only school aged kiddo can’t wait to get back to school. Grade one is a big deal! It can be exciting to shop for Fall clothes….my personal favorite season, so I’m right there with ya! It can also be an expensive time of year for parents and we…
Well Mommas, we did it! We made it through the Summer and we are heading into the school year. With Madelyn starting Kindergarten today (tear) it’s my first year where I feel torn between the longing of our Summer routine and also rejoicing a bit that her days will be filled learning, friends, and fun outside the house. We did a wee back to school shop to get her a couple of new pieces to fill in a couple of…
First Day of Preschool {Year Two} Well, we did it! We made it though our first week back at school. It was a short week with Madelyn going just three days this week. We were definitely dealing with a tired and cranky kid. I totally forgot how tired and grumpy she was last year for the first couple weeks of school. I thought that maybe she wouldn’t be as tired this year being that she’s that much older, but I…